Planned Giving

Please consider making your donation recurring, on a monthly or even an annual basis. If you make your gift online you can set up automatic monthly donations.

Consider making a testamentary gift by including Piano by Nature in your will.

How to name Piano by Nature in your will or trust:
Legal name: Piano By Nature
Address: 32 Champlain Ave., Westport, NY 12993
Federal tax ID#: 36-4649204

Notifying us of your gift: Please remember to let us know when you have named Piano by Nature in your will or trust so that we can thank you and include you in our Legacy Society.

This heart represents the wishes for 2022 offered by PBN viewers during Martha Gallagher’s zoom performance Saturday, January 15, 2022. Martha improvised on her wonderful “orphan” harp while Jenn Moore read the words sent through the chat feature. It was very moving and an excellent example of how intimate even a remote concert can be.